Michael CavanaughCPA


Michael is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), but does not consider himself as merely an accountant, rather as a businessman who is able to use experience and skills to help you be successful in any way he can. Michael spent 6 years working in Controller roles in the Oil & Gas industry along with managing the accounting for a small real estate company. Michael started his career working for 9 years in the Financial Services industry for BlackRock and Invesco in both Fund Administration and Business Intelligence (BI) capacities where he learned SQL code and how data works. Michael then worked for 5 years in public accounting as an auditor working at such firms as Harper & Pearson and BDO. During his time as an auditor, Michael worked on audits of financial statements for a variety of companies in different industries, engagements relating to due diligence, SOX compliance and other M&A work. Michael’s favorite engagement was working for a company that had an ethanol plant in Equatorial Guinea (Africa) where he was able to travel and work on the engagement. With the unique experience of working in BI and data, Michael also loves to use analytics that help gain a better understanding of the financial reporting function.

In his spare time, Michael enjoys following the Astros and analyzing advanced metrics related to MLB in addition to kayaking, boating, cycling and spending time with his family.

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610 Arlington Street Houston, TX 77007

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